Joe has been interviewed by all of the major U.S. TV networks, as well as many of the country’s local and national radio stations and newspapers. He is also interviewed regularly by, and featured in, the international media.

Recent podcasts
Coverage highlights

GOP Debate Body Language

What Are Sanpaku Eyes? How They Can Help You Spot a Liar, Psychopath or Narcissist

Article about Joe Navarro and body language

Use the ‘agree and add’ method to make small talk more interesting

Why some think Kate Middleton may have served as peacemaker between William and Harry

Joe Navarro, body language expert

Joe Navarro, body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert

Joe Navarro body language expert